Friday, June 11, 2010

Week of June 13

▪ WA Board Luncheon 12 noon
▪ Session 7:30 PM

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Annual Church Picnic

Love God/ Love Neighbor Group from the Clearing - Laura and members of the Clearing group (Sarah Chauncey, Kathleen Fahmi, Juli Schaefer, and Jim Uleman) are meeting this summer to explore loving God and loving our neighbors - friendly strangers right in our neighborhoods - more deeply. Upcoming dates will be announced.

WA Lunch -The Women’s Association Board invites all the women of the church to its end-of-year meeting and lunch at 12 noon on Tuesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt. Please contact Carol Boyatsis to reserve a spot.

Annual Church Picnic - The potluck picnic will be held on Sunday after worship. If you have not signed up to bring your favorite dish, please do so outside the church office.

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