Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week of March 1

▪ Safe Haven guests

▪ Safe Haven guests

▪ Book Group 12 noon
▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship/Communion
▪ Sunday School
▪ Living the Questions 11:30 AM
▪ Children’s Music 11:30 AM

NPC Book Group - The group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt to discuss An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor. Please sign up outside the church office to reserve a spot.

Office Substitutes - Thanks to all who have signed up to fill in for Susan Marose while she is away. There is just one slot left on Friday, March 12. If you can volunteer, please call or sign up outside the church office.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Week of February 21

▪ Session 7:30 PM

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Nauraushaun Kids Unplugged Family Concert 10:30 AM

▪ Worship
▪ Sunday School
▪ Living the Questions 11:30 AM

Nauraushaun Family Concert – Musician Kurt Gallagher will headline the Nauraushaun Kids Unplugged Concert from 10:30 to 11:30 AM on Saturday in the sanctuary. This performance is the first in a series of monthly family events to be sponsored jointly by Nauraushaun Church and Nauraushaun Nursery School. All children and families are invited. Juice and snacks will be served. Donation is $8 per family and proceeds will benefit the Jawonio Early Childhood Education Services.

Help with the Blood Crisis – Greenbush Presbyterian Church in Blauvelt is sponsoring a blood drive from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday in their fellowship hall. For additional information or to make an appointment, call (845) 359-4666.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week of February 14

▪ Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner 6 PM

▪ Choir 6 PM
▪ Ash Wednesday Service and Imposition of Ashes 7:30 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship
▪ Sunday School
▪ Living the Questions 11:30 AM
▪ Deacons 11:30 AM

Shrove Tuesday – You are invited to join the church family at 6 PM on Tuesday for the annual pancake supper and Mardi Grad festival in the Great Hall. Kids and friends are welcome.

Ash Wednesday – Rev. Ruth Wainwright will conduct the Ash Wednesday service and imposition of ashes at 7:30 pm. Earlier in the day, all women of the church are invited to the Ash Wednesday Retreat at Stony Point Conference Center from 10:30 AM to 1 PM. For information, contact Adele Schnell.

Nauraushaun Family Concert – Musician Kurt Gallagher will headline the Nauraushaun Kids Unplugged Concert at 10:30 AM on Saturday, Feb. 27, in the sanctuary. This performance is the first in a series of monthly family events to be sponsored jointly by Nauraushaun Church and Nauraushaun Nursery School. All children and families are invited. Juice and snacks will be served. Donation is $8 per family and proceeds will benefit the Jawonio Early Childhood Education Services.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week of February 7

▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪ Ministries 7:30 PM

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM
▪ WA Circle 7:30 PM

▪ Worship
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast
▪ Sunday School
▪ Living the Questions 11:30 AM

Living the Questions– A new section of in this adult study series will be offered next Sunday at 11:30 AM in the parlor and will continue for an additional three weeks through March 8. We will explore how both modern biblical scholarship and science can enrich an active Christian faith journey.

Ash Wednesday Women’s Retreat – All women of the church are invited to an Ash Wednesday Retreat at Stony Point Conference Center from 10:30 AM to 1 PM on February 17. “Praying through Lent with Heart, Soul, Mind and Body” is the theme. Carpooling will be arranged. For additional information, contact Adele Schnell.

Holmes Summer Camp – If you are a parent or grandparent, you know that now is the time to think summer activities. Holmes Presbyterian Summer Camp is offering experiences for everyone from campers entering first grade to adults. Check the bulletin board outside the church office for information and brochures.

Nauraushaun Family Concert – Musician Kurt Gallagher will headline the Nauraushaun Kids Unplugged Concert at 10:30 AM on Saturday, Feb. 27, in the sanctuary. This performance is the first in a series of monthly family events to be sponsored jointly by Nauraushaun Church and Nauraushaun Nursery School. All children and families are invited. Juice and snacks will be served. Donation is $8 per family and proceeds will benefit the Jawonio Early Childhood Education Services.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week of Feb. 1

▪ Nauraushaun Book Group 12 noon
▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ Sunday School

Book Group – The group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt to discuss Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo. Please call the church office to reserve a spot.

Give, Act, Pray for Haiti – Please visit online for continuing updates on the situation in Haiti. Financial support for relief efforts can be designated to DR000064. Gifts can also be made by phone at (800) 872-3283 and checks can be mailed to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.