Monday, December 28, 2009

Week of December 27

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ Sunday School

Helping Hands Safe Haven NPC is sheltering guests for three overnights this week. If you would like to visit or lend a hand now or in the future, please contact Ruth Wainwright.

Pastor Laura is away and will return for Sunday worship. If you are in need of pastoral care, please contact Rev. Ruth Wainwright at (845) 735-6518.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Week of December 20

▪ Birthday People 7 PM

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ Family Christmas Eve Service 5 PM
▪ Candlelight Service 10 PM

▪ Worship 10 AM

Monday, December 7, 2009

▪ Safe Haven Overnight Guests

▪ Ministries (all except Missions) 7:30 PM
▪ Safe Haven Overnight Guests

▪ Deadline for poinsettia orders
▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Christmas Luncheon 12 noon
▪ WA Evening Circle 7:30 PM

▪ Decorating the church for Christmas at 9 AM

Third Sunday of Advent
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Alternative Gift Market
▪ Children’s Music 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Safe Haven – NPC will begin sheltering overnight guests through Helping Hands on Monday and Tuesday and will host additional nights during the winter months. For more information or to volunteer, please see Ruth Wainwright.

Alternative Christmas Market –Each Sunday in Advent the Mission Committee will offer Equal Exchange coffee, chocolate, and other items from Church World Service and Heifer International for Christmas giving.

WA Christmas Luncheon – All are invited to the Women’s Association Soup and Salad Luncheon at 12 noon on Thursday. You may sign up outside the church office.

Monday, November 30, 2009

▪NPC Book Group 12 noon AM

Morning Prayer 7 AM

Christmas Wrap Party 7 PM

Second Sunday of Advent
Worship/Communion 10 AM
Sunday School
▪Alternative Gift Market
▪Children’s Music 11:30 AM

Book Group The group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt to discuss Half Bred Horses by Jeannette Walls. Please call the churchoffice to reserve a spot.

Inter-Church Youth Group Benefit The Piermont Reformed Church will present a benefit performance of A Man of No Importance on Wednesday at 8 PM at the Elmwood Playhouse. Tickets are $23 and are available at the church office.

Christmas Wrap Party - The Rockland State Hospital gift wrapping party will be held on Friday at 7 PM in the parlor. We need hotel toiletries such as shampoo, lotion, soap, combs, socks, and other small personal items suitable for hospital patients.

Alternative Christmas Market Why shop at the mall? Each Sunday in Advent the Mission Committee will offer Equal Exchange coffee, chocolate, and other items from Church World Service and Heifer International for Christmas giving.

WA Christmas Luncheon All are invited to the Women’s Association Soup and Salad Luncheon at 12 noon on Thursday, Dec. 10. You may sign up outside the church office.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of November 8

▪WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪Ministries 7:30 PM

▪Church office is closed in observance of Veterans Day.
▪Choir 7 PM

▪Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪WA Circle 7:30 PM

▪Thanksgiving Dinner at Hillburn Church 5-7 PM

▪Helping Hands Run 10:30 AM -
See Ruth Wainwright for details.
▪Presbyterian Women ’09 1-4 PM

▪Worship 10 AM
▪Sunday School
▪New Members Group 11:30 AM
▪Children’s Music 11:30 AM
▪Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Office Subs - If you can man the church office one day while Susan Marose is on vacation, please contact Pastor Laura. There are openings on Tuesday, Nov. 17, Wednesday, Nov. 18, and Thursday, Nov. 19.

Early Dinner - Brook Church in Hillburn serves its annual pre-Thanksgiving Dinner from 5-7 PM on Friday. Donation is $10 and you may eat in or take out.

Presbyterian Women ’09- Women of Hudson River Presbytery will meet from 1-4 PM on Saturday at the First Presbyterian Church of Ossining when the topic will be “Healthy Bodies, Spirits and Communities.” See Carol Boyatsis for information.

Thanksgiving Food Drive - Please sign up outside the church office to volunteer at ShopRite on Friday, Nov. 20.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of November 1

▪WA Election Day Bake Sale

▪Book Group 12 noon
▪Choir 7 PM

▪Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪Taíze Worship10 AM
▪Second Sunday Breakfast 8 AM
▪Sunday School
▪Deacons Meeting 11:30 AM
▪Mission Meeting 11:30 AM
▪Children’s Music 11:30 AM
▪Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Book Group - The group will meet to discuss The Help by Kathryn Stockett at noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina Restaurant in Blauvelt. Please call the office to reserve a spot.

New Member Process - If you wish to explore membership in our faith community, you are invited to meet for four Sundays after worship, between 11:30 and 12:30 in our church parlor, beginning Nov. 15. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Laura at church or by email at

Pre-Thanksgiving Food Drive - Sign up outside the church office to volunteer at ShopRite between the hours of 8 AM and 3 PM on Friday, Nov. 20.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Week of October 25

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Children’s Music 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

WA Bake Sale - The Women’s Association is sponsoring an Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday, Nov.3. If you can provide home baked treats or work between 11 AM and 1 PM or 5 PM and 7 PM at the sale, please sign up outside the church office.

New Member Process - Are you interested in exploring membership in our faith community? You are invited to join a group that will explore the life of our church and how we understand faith as Christians and Presbyterians. We will meet for four Sundays after worship, between 11:30 and 12:30 in our church parlor, beginning Nov. 15. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Laura at church or by email at

Save the Date - The Thanksgiving Food Drive will be held at the Pearl River ShopRite on Friday, Nov. 20. Inter-Church Youth Group - If you can provide a light dinner for the group (approximately 10 youngsters) on Sunday, Nov. 22, please sign up outside the church office. This is the only opening left. Thanks to all who have volunteered!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week of October 18

▪Birthday People 7 PM
▪The Good News deadline

▪WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
▪Session 7:30 PM

▪Choir 7 PM

▪Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪WA Circle 11:30 AM

Reformation Sunday
▪Worship 10 AM
▪Sunday School
▪Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sunday, October 18

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Deacons 11:30 AM
▪ Discovering Your Spiritual Type 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Karen Schmidt will meet with any children interested in singing together after coffee hour for 20-30 minutes in the chancel. We hope our younger voices will help lead us in worship sometime in the near future!

Inter-Church Youth Group - If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office. The youngsters meet at 5 PM each week. There are slots open for Nov. 22, Dec. 6,
and Dec. 13.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week of October 4

▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM


▪ Book Group 12 noon
▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM
▪ WA Evening Circle 7:30 PM

▪ Blessing of the Animals
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast
▪ Sunday School
▪ Discovering Your Spiritual Type 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

NPC Book Group –
The group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt to discuss The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Please call the office if you plan to attend.

Always thought "spiritual" described someone else? Come discover ways that we are all spiritual! For the next three Sundays, a group will meet after worship in the parlor, using a variety of resources to uncover ways that can move us to experience God and ourselves in new ways.

Karen Schmidt will meet with any children interested in singing together after coffee hour for 20-30 minutes in the chancel. We hope our younger voices will help lead us in worship sometime in the near future!

Inter-Church Youth Group - If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office. The youngsters meet each week at 5 PM. This coming Sunday is open as well as Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Dec. 6, and Dec. 13.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week of September 27

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

World Communion and Peacemaking Sunday
▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ CCET Meeting 8:45 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Discovering Your Spiritual Type 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Always thought "spiritual" described someone else? Come discover ways that we are all spiritual! For the next four Sundays, a group will meet after worship in the parlor, using a variety of resources to uncover ways that each of us experience God, and that can move us to experience God and ourselves in new ways.

The Peacemaking Offering will be shared next Sunday, October 4. The 75% that goes to our denomination supports a variety of mission and disaster assistance projects throughout our nation and world. The 25% collected for a local project will go towards Helping Hands.

Inter-Church Youth Group - If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office. The youngsters meet at 5 PM each week.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Peacemaking Offering on October 4

In honor of Worldwide Communion Sunday, on October 4 we will share the Presbyterian Peacemaking Offering. This offering goes towards peacemaking efforts and disaster assistance in our nation and around the world. A portion of Nauraushaun's offering will go towards Helping Hands.

Children Sing with Karen

We're hoping our children will sing in worship again! Interested? Come join Karen after worship this Sunday, September 27 at 11:30 a.m.! Our practice will last around 25 minutes.

Discover Your Spiritual Type - beginning Sept 27

So you never thought spirituality was for you? For the next four weeks, folks at Nauraushaun have committed to a discussion after church of ways that each of us is spiritual. We'll start off using the resource Discover Your Spiritual Type and see where that leads us on our journey. Come join us!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week of September 13

▪ WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
▪ Helping Hands Reception 3:30 to 5 PM
▪ Session 7:30 PM

▪ Book Group 12 noon
▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Deacons Meeting 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

An Invitation - Helping Hands will host the grand opening of its new Outreach Office from 3:30 to 5 PM on Tuesday at the United Church of Spring Valley, 11 East Church St.

Book Group - The group will meet to discuss the The Faith Club at noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina Restaurant in Blauvelt. You may bring a book or two that you have read and enjoyed to swap with other members. Please call the office to reserve a spot.

Youth Group - The middle school Inter-Church Youth Group begins meeting at Nauraushaun at 5 PM on Sunday. If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week of September 6

▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪ Ministries 7:30 PM

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Blessing of the Backpacks
▪ Sunday School
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast 8 AM
▪ The Clearing Meeting 8:30 AM
▪ WA Circle 9 AM
▪ CCET Meeting 11:30 AM

Back to School – Get the school year off to a great start! Bring your backpacks to church this week for a special blessing.

Open House - Helping Hands will host the grand opening of its new Outreach Office from 3:30 to 5 PM on Tuesday, Sept. 15. The location is the United Church of Spring Valley, 11 East Church St., and all are invited.

Book Group – The group will begin the year by reading The Faith Club, and meeting to discuss it at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 16, at Mia Cucina Restaurant in Blauvelt. You may bring a book or two that you have enjoyed to swap with other members. Please call the office to reserve a spot.

Youth Group - The middle school Inter-Church Youth Group will meet on Sunday evenings this fall at Nauraushaun, beginning on Sept. 20 at 5 PM. If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters, please sign up outside the church office.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Week of August 30

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM

Pastor Laura will return on Sunday. Rev. Ruth Wainwright is the on-call pastor in Laura’s absence.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Week of August 23

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Taizé Worship Service 10 AM

Pastor Laura is on vacation and will return on Sunday, Sept. 6. Rev. Chris Shelton will lead a Taizé worship service this Sunday and Rev. Ruth Wainwright will be the on-call pastor in Laura’s absence.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week of August 16

▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪ Session 7:30 PM

▪ Cupcake Party at RPC 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM
Guest musician will be trumpeter Peter Piacquadio.

Summer Visit to RPC – On Wednesday, NPC members will hold the annual Cupcake Party for residents of Rockland Psychiatric Center. If you wish to donate store bought cupcakes or cookies with ingredients listed on the package you can drop them off at church on Wednesday between 9 AM and 1 PM.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week of August 9

▪ Ministries 7:30 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Helping Hands Food Drive
9 AM to 6 PM at the Pearl River ShopRite

▪ Worship 10 AM
Guest musician will be violinist Shelby Yemin.

Summer Visit to RPC – On Wednesday, Aug. 19, NPC members will hold the annual Cupcake Party for residents of Rockland Psychiatric Center. However, in an effort to prevent possible allergic reactions, new rules mandate that all baked goods brought to the center must be purchased (as opposed to home baked) with all ingredients listed on the package. If you wish to donate cupcakes or cookies, you can drop them off at church between 9 AM and 1 PM on Aug. 19. Contact Jim Waters for additional information.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week of August 2

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Helping Hands Run 10:30 AM
Meet in the parking lot behind the
River Space Theater in Nyack.

▪ Worship 10 AM
Guest musician will be Charlie Chauncey.

Helping Hands News – HH is still collecting items for the new Outreach Center, which will open on September 15. For information, call Ruth Wainwright at (845) 735-6518.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week of July 26

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM

Mission Trip – Please keep Robert Rockefeller, Juli Schaefer and Mary Lee Wainwright in your prayers this week while they are in Nicaragua participating a Bridges to Community mission trip.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Parker Palmer on Speaking of Faith

Each week Krista Tippett interviews another contemporary spiritual thinker on her NPR radio broadcast Speaking of Faith.  You can listen in on-line in many formats or download the program as a podcast.  In this week's issue, Parker Palmer talks with her about the economic downturn and a spiritual response.  Click here, for a link to this past week's program.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Week of July 19

▪ Birthday People 7 PM

▪ Women's Assn. Summer Outing 10:30 AM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM

An Invitation - Pastor Laura has returned from two weeks of study leave focusing on Church Transformation. Come join her in the parlor for an hour or so on Sunday following worship to find out more about her work and talk about what God might be doing through Nauraushaun. Childcare will be provided.

WA Summer Outing - Those attending the Women’s Association trip on Wednesday to the Camp Shanks Museum will meet in the church parking lot at 10:30 AM. Lunch will follow at the '76 House in Tappan.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Week of July 12

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM

Pastor Laura will return on Monday, July 20th. In her absence, you may contact Rev. Scott Ramsey at Germonds Presbyterian Church.

WA Summer Outing – On Wednesday, July 22, the Women’s Association is planning a visit to the Camp Shanks World War II Museum in Orangeburg followed by a luncheon at the 76 House in Tappan. All are invited. There is a sign-up sheet outside the church office.

Helping Hands Dinner – The summer dinner that was planned for Sunday, Aug. 2, has been cancelled.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Week of July 5

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM

Pastor Laura will be away until July 20th. In her absence please contact the office if you are in need of pastoral care.

The Good News – The deadline for the next edition of the newsletter is Friday. If you have news items or information, contact Barbara DeVries at (845) 735-4261 or

Helping Hands Dinner – We will host a summer dinner for the homeless at 6 pm on Sunday, Aug. 2, in the Great Hall. You are invited to provide a salad or dessert. The sign-up sheet is on the table outside the church office.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week of June 29

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM

Helping Hands Dinner – We will host a summer dinner for the homeless at 6 pm on Sunday, Aug. 2, in the Great Hall. You are invited to provide a salad or dessert. The sign-up sheet is on the table outside the church office.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Week of June 21

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From the PC(USA) Big Tent - a recent denominational gathering

Check out the results from this recent workshop on evangelism - sounds like some interesting things in store for our church - both our local congregation, and our denomination!

PC(USA) - Presbyterian News Service - From maintenance to mission

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Week of June 15

▪ Birthday People 7 PM

▪ Session 7:30 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How do we sing the Lord's song?

If you were in worship on Sunday, and are wondering about this "Sound of Music" video, here it is! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week of June 7

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ WA Spring Fling Luncheon 12 noon

▪ Music Sunday
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast 8 AM
▪ Deacons 11:30 AM

Spring Fling – All the women of Nauraushaun are invited to the Women’s Association Spring Fling Luncheon at 12 noon on Friday in the Great Hall. There will be a special presentation entitled “Women Warriors of World War II.”

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week of May 24

Wednesday, May 27
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, May 28
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

Sunday, May 31, Pentecost
▪ Worship and Rededication
of the Columbarium 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Annual Church Picnic

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Week of May 17

The Passing of Roswell Smith
A funeral service for Roswell Smith, who died this past weekend, will be held on Saturday, May 23, at 3 PM in the sanctuary.

Monday, May 18
▪ Birthday People 7 PM

Tuesday, May 19
▪ WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
▪ Session 7:30 PM

Wednesday, May 20
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, May 21
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

Saturday, May 23
▪ Funeral Service for Roswell Smith 3

Sunday, May 24
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting - There will be a Congregational Meeting following worship on Sunday for the purpose of electing new officers.

Annual Picnic - On Sunday, May 31, the annual Church Picnic will be held following worship and the Rededication of the Columbarium. Please sign up to provide a salad or dessert as an accompaniment to the traditional grill fare. We will be welcoming extra guests for this event. There is a sign-up sheet outside the church office.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week of May 10

Tuesday, May 12
▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪ Ministries 7:30 PM

Wednesday, May 13
▪ Book Group 12 noon
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, May 14
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM

Sunday, May 17
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Deacons 11:30 AM

Book Group - Are you going to the NPC Book Group meeting on Wednesday at 12 noon at the Green House Café in Pearl River? If so, please call the office ASAP to reserve a spot.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week of May 3

Tuesday, May 5
▪ Columbarium Meeting 10 AM

Wednesday, May 6
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, May 7
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ Weekday Work Party 9:30 AM

Friday, May 8
▪ Rain date for Thursday Work Party 9:30 AM

Saturday, May 9
▪ Weekend Work Party 1 PM

Sunday, May 10
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast 8 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ WA Circle
▪ CCET Meeting 11:30

Help - Our church building, grounds, and parking lot are in need of some TLC. Please call Bruce or Carolyn Russell at 623-5817 if you can lend a hand on Thursday morning or Saturday afternon.

Book Group - The NPC Book Group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday, May 13, at the Green House Café in Pearl River. This month’s selection is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. All are welcome. Please call the church office to reserve a spot.

WA Spring Event - The Women’s Association annual Spring Gathering will be held from 1 to 4 PM on Saturday, May 16, at the Central Presbyterian Church in Haverstraw. The church is known for its beautiful Louis Comfort Tiffany windows. For information, contact Carol Boyatsis or Judy Schiller.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week of April 26

Wednesday, April 29
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, April 30
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

Sunday, May 3
▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Nominating Committee Meeting

Book Group – The NPC Book Group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday, May 13, at the Green House Café in Pearl River. This month’s selection is Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. All are welcome! Please contact the office (845-735-4565) to reserve a spot.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week of April 19

Monday, April 20
Birthday People 7 PM

Tuesday, April 21
▪ WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
Session 7:30 PM

Thursday, April 23
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

Sunday, April 26
▪ Worship 10 AM
Sunday School

Rev. Glen Henricksen will be preaching
next Sunday in Pastor Laura’s absence.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week of April 12

Tuesday, April 14
▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪ Ministries 7:30 PM

Wednesday, April 15
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, April 16
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM

Sunday, April 19
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ CCET 11:30 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Week

Maundy Thursday
Morning Prayer Group in the Parlor 7 AM
Tenebrae Service with Communion and the
Nyack College Chorale at 7:30 PM

Good Friday
Labyrinth open in Parlor 9:30 AM to 5 PM
Meditation Service 5:30 PM

Easter Sunday
We celebrate the Joy of the Resurrection at 10 AM with worship, fellowship, and an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.

As we do each year, we will collect the annual One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Easter. This offering has been collected since 1949 to support Self-Development of People, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Please give generously!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week of March 29

Tuesday, March 31
▪ Columbarium Meeting 10 AM
▪ Lenten Group at the home of
Pauline Levin 2 PM

Wednesday, April 1
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, April 2
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group at the Piermont
Church: Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, April 5
Palm Sunday
▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Lenten Group 11:30 AM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Week of March 22

Tuesday, March 24
▪ Women's Association Board Meeting 9:30 AM

Wednesday, March 25
▪ Today is the deadline
for Easter flower orders.
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, March 26
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ Lenten Group at the
home of Pauline Levin 2 PM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group at the Piermont
Church: Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, March 29
Fifth Sunday in Lent

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Lenten Group 11:30 AM

Lenten Study - The Sunday group continues to meet weekly at church at 11:30 AM. The weekday group has changed its meeting to 2 PM on Thursdays at the home of Pauline Levin.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week of March 15

Monday, March 16
● Birthday People 7 PM

Tuesday, March 17
● Kitchen Clean Up 8:30 AM
● Lenten Group at the home
of Pauine Levin 2 PM
● Session 7:30 PM

Wednesday, March 18
● Choir 7 PM

Thursday, March 19
● Morning Prayer 7 AM
● Columbarium Meeting 1 PM
● Inter-Church Youth Group at the Piermont
Church: Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Friday, March 20
● WA Circle 11:30 AM

Sunday, March 22
● Worship 10 AM
● Sunday School
● Lenten Group 11:30 AM

Lenten Study - The weekday group will have its first meeting at 2 PM on Tuesday at the home of Pauline Levin, 9 Haven Court, Nyack. The Sunday group continues to meet weekly at church at 11:30 AM.

Easter Flowers - Wednesday, March 25, is the deadline for ordering Easter flowers in memory or in honor of loved ones. These flowers are for your taking after our Easter worship. Any remaining flowers will be sent to those who are unable to share the day with us. Daffodils and tulips are $10 each and azaleas are $15. See the bulletin insert or contact the office to order.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week of March 8

Tuesday, March 10
WA Circle 9:30 AM
Ministries 7:30 PM

Wednesday, March 11
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, March 12
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at the Piermont
Church: Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, March 15
Worship 10 AM
Sunday School
Deacons 11:30 AM
Lenten Group 11:30 AM

Lenten Study – There are two small groups meeting weekly using the book Turning to One Another by Margaret Wheatley. The Sunday group meets at 11:30 AM and childcare is provided. The weekday group will have its first meeting at 2 PM on Tuesday, March 17, at the home of Pauline Levin.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week of March 1

Tuesday, March 3
Memorial Committee Meeting 4 PM

Wednesday, March 4
Book Group 12 noon
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, March 5
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at the Piermont
Church: Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, March 8
Worship 10AM
Second Sunday Breakfast 8:30 AM
Sunday School
WA Circle
CCET Meeting 11:30 AM
Lenten Group 11:30 AM

Book Group - The monthly book group will meet on Wednesday at the Potter's Cafe on Main Street in Nanuet. This month's selection is The Shack by William Young.

Lenten Study - Lenten small groups, using the book Turning to One Another by Margaret Wheatley, will meet weekly, starting on Sunday. We hope to have several groups, with child care provided on Sunday afternoons. Sign up at the table in the narthex.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week of February 22

Tuesday, Feb. 24
WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 6 PM

Wednesday, Feb. 25
Women’s Retreat, Stony Point 10 AM-1 PM
Ash Wednesday Service and Imposition
of Ashes 7:30 PM

Thursday, Feb. 26
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at the
Piermont Church: Middle
School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, March 1
Worship/Communion 10 AM
Sunday School
Afternoon Lenten Group

Women’s Retreat – Women of the church are invited to a retreat at Stony Point from 10 AM to 1 PM on Wednesday. Carpooling will be arranged and departure will be from the church parking lot at 9:15. Dessert and beverages will be provided, so please bring a bag lunch. Call the office to sign up.

Ash Wednesday - Mark the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, with special music by violinist Shelby Yemin, and the traditional imposition of ashes.

Lenten Study - Lenten small groups, using the book Turning to One Another by Margaret Wheatley, will meet weekly, starting Sunday. We hope to have several groups, with child care provided for the one on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office for information.

Book Group - The monthly book group will meet Wednesday, March 4, at the Potter's Cafe on Main St. in Nanuet, reading The Shack by William Young. Contact the church to save a seat at the restaurant!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, Feb. 17
Session 7:30 PM

Wednesday, Feb. 18
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, Feb. 19
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at the Piermont Church: Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, Feb. 22
Worship 10 AM
Sunday School

Lenten Study - Lenten small groups, using the book Turning to One Another by Margaret Wheatley, will meet weekly, starting on the first Sunday of Lent, March 1. We hope to have at least three groups, with child care provided for one on Sunday afternoons. Sign up on the table in the narthex.

Book Group - The monthly book group will meet Wednesday, March 4, at the Potter's Cafe on Main St. in Nanuet, reading The Shack by William Young. Contact the church to save a seat at the restaurant!

Pancake Supper - Sign up for our Shrove Tuesday pancake supper and Mardi Gras celebration on February 24 - fun for all ages! Supper starts at 6 PM!

Ash Wednesday - Mark the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday service at 7:30 PM on February 25, with special music by violinist Shelby Yemin, and the traditional imposition of ashes.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week of February 9

Tuesday, Feb. 10
WA Circle 9:30 AM
Ministry Teams 7:30 PM

Wednesday, Feb. 11
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, Feb. 12
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at Tappan Church:
Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, Feb. 13
Worship 10AM
Sunday School
Deacons11:30 AM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week of February 2

Tuesday, Feb. 3
Columbarium Meeting 10 AM
Evangelism Ministry to work online.

Wednesday, Feb. 4
Book Group at Greenhouse Café 12 Noon
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, Feb. 5
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at Tappan Church:
Middle School 5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, Feb. 8
Worship 10AM
Breakfast 8 AM
Sunday School
WA Circle
Congregational Meeting 11:30 AM

New Book Group
The book group will meet for the first time at 12 noon on Wednesday at the Greenhouse Cafe in Pearl River for lunch and discussion of Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. Please call the church office if you plan to attend.

Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, February 8, 11:30 AM
(Child care will be provided.)
Copies of the 2008 annual report are available in the office. The agenda includes receipt and acceptance of the ministry reports, report of the church's 2008 finances, proposed 2009 budget, pastor's 2009 terms of call, revised by-laws, and election of president of the corporation.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Week of 1.26.09

Welcome to our new weekly web update!

This blog will be updated each Monday afternoon. You may access it from the church's website, or simply add to your list of favorites or RSS feeds. Here's what's happening this week:

Tuesday, 1.27
WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM

Wednesday, 1.28
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, 1.29
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at
Tappan Church: Middle School
5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, 2.1
Worship/Communion 10 AM
Sunday School
Guest Speaker Rick Ufford, co-director
of Stony Point Center 11:30 AM

Stony Point Update - Come and hear what Rick Ufford, new co-director of Stony Point, envisions for the Center at 11:30 AM on Sunday, Feb 1, in the parlor.

New NPC Book Club - The book group will meet for the first time at 12 noon on Wednesday, Feb. 4, at the Greenhouse Cafe in Pearl River for lunch and discussion of Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. (Click on the link to order from amazon.) Please call the church office if you plan to attend.

(Child care will be provided.)

Copies of the 2008 annual reports will be available in the narthex next Sunday. The agenda will include receipt and acceptance of the ministry reports, a report of the church's 2008 finances, the proposed 2009 budget, the pastor's 2009 terms of call, revised by-laws, and election of president of the corporation.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watch this space...

beginning 1.26.09 for weekly updates about the life and ministry of Nauraushaun. Add this blog to your RSS feeds, or let the church know if you want a weekly reminder for the first two months!