Monday, September 28, 2009

Week of September 27

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

World Communion and Peacemaking Sunday
▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ CCET Meeting 8:45 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Discovering Your Spiritual Type 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Always thought "spiritual" described someone else? Come discover ways that we are all spiritual! For the next four Sundays, a group will meet after worship in the parlor, using a variety of resources to uncover ways that each of us experience God, and that can move us to experience God and ourselves in new ways.

The Peacemaking Offering will be shared next Sunday, October 4. The 75% that goes to our denomination supports a variety of mission and disaster assistance projects throughout our nation and world. The 25% collected for a local project will go towards Helping Hands.

Inter-Church Youth Group - If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office. The youngsters meet at 5 PM each week.

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