Monday, May 18, 2009

The Week of May 17

The Passing of Roswell Smith
A funeral service for Roswell Smith, who died this past weekend, will be held on Saturday, May 23, at 3 PM in the sanctuary.

Monday, May 18
▪ Birthday People 7 PM

Tuesday, May 19
▪ WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
▪ Session 7:30 PM

Wednesday, May 20
▪ Choir 7 PM

Thursday, May 21
▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

Saturday, May 23
▪ Funeral Service for Roswell Smith 3

Sunday, May 24
▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting - There will be a Congregational Meeting following worship on Sunday for the purpose of electing new officers.

Annual Picnic - On Sunday, May 31, the annual Church Picnic will be held following worship and the Rededication of the Columbarium. Please sign up to provide a salad or dessert as an accompaniment to the traditional grill fare. We will be welcoming extra guests for this event. There is a sign-up sheet outside the church office.

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