Monday, July 12, 2010

Week of July 11

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM

Update - Laura Cunningham is away on study leave until July 15, and on vacation from July 16-24. Please contact Rev. Ruth Wainwright (845-735-6518) with any pastoral emergencies during this time. Rev. Chris Shelton will preach on Sunday.

Summer Help - Please sign up outside the church office to provide refreshments or teach Sunday school during July and August.

Trotter’s Museum Outing - Please sign up outside the church office to attend the annual WA Summer Outing on Saturday, Aug. 21, to the Trotter’s Museum at Goshen Race Track. All women and men of NPC are invited to the event, which includes a tour and lunch. Contact Carol Boyatsis for additional information.

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