Monday, April 5, 2010

Week of April 4

▪ Safe Haven

▪ Career Network meeting 7 PM

▪ Nauraushaun Book Group 12 noon
▪ Nyack College Chorale 7:30 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM
▪ WA Evening Circle 7:30 PM

▪ Worship
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast
▪ Sunday School
▪ Discussion Group 11:30 AM

NPC Book Group - The group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt to discuss Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska. Please contact the office to reserve a spot.

Nyack Chorale at Nauraushaun - The Nyack College Chorale, under the direction of Joel Jameson, will perform its spring concert at 7:30 PM on Wednesday in the sanctuary. All are invited. The chorale recently presented the concert during a tour of England.

Save the Date – In celebration of Germonds Presbyterian Church’s 150th anniversary NPC will be taking part in the Walk to Feed the Need around Rockland Lake at 1 PM on Sunday, June 6. Contact Kathleen Fahmi for more details about this mission project.

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