Monday, September 28, 2009

Week of September 27

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

World Communion and Peacemaking Sunday
▪ Worship/Communion 10 AM
▪ CCET Meeting 8:45 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Discovering Your Spiritual Type 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Always thought "spiritual" described someone else? Come discover ways that we are all spiritual! For the next four Sundays, a group will meet after worship in the parlor, using a variety of resources to uncover ways that each of us experience God, and that can move us to experience God and ourselves in new ways.

The Peacemaking Offering will be shared next Sunday, October 4. The 75% that goes to our denomination supports a variety of mission and disaster assistance projects throughout our nation and world. The 25% collected for a local project will go towards Helping Hands.

Inter-Church Youth Group - If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office. The youngsters meet at 5 PM each week.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Peacemaking Offering on October 4

In honor of Worldwide Communion Sunday, on October 4 we will share the Presbyterian Peacemaking Offering. This offering goes towards peacemaking efforts and disaster assistance in our nation and around the world. A portion of Nauraushaun's offering will go towards Helping Hands.

Children Sing with Karen

We're hoping our children will sing in worship again! Interested? Come join Karen after worship this Sunday, September 27 at 11:30 a.m.! Our practice will last around 25 minutes.

Discover Your Spiritual Type - beginning Sept 27

So you never thought spirituality was for you? For the next four weeks, folks at Nauraushaun have committed to a discussion after church of ways that each of us is spiritual. We'll start off using the resource Discover Your Spiritual Type and see where that leads us on our journey. Come join us!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week of September 13

▪ WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM
▪ Helping Hands Reception 3:30 to 5 PM
▪ Session 7:30 PM

▪ Book Group 12 noon
▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪ WA Circle 11:30 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Sunday School
▪ Deacons Meeting 11:30 AM
▪ Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

An Invitation - Helping Hands will host the grand opening of its new Outreach Office from 3:30 to 5 PM on Tuesday at the United Church of Spring Valley, 11 East Church St.

Book Group - The group will meet to discuss the The Faith Club at noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina Restaurant in Blauvelt. You may bring a book or two that you have read and enjoyed to swap with other members. Please call the office to reserve a spot.

Youth Group - The middle school Inter-Church Youth Group begins meeting at Nauraushaun at 5 PM on Sunday. If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters on a Sunday during the fall session, please sign up outside the church office.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week of September 6

▪ WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪ Ministries 7:30 PM

▪ Choir 7 PM

▪ Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪ Worship 10 AM
▪ Blessing of the Backpacks
▪ Sunday School
▪ Second Sunday Breakfast 8 AM
▪ The Clearing Meeting 8:30 AM
▪ WA Circle 9 AM
▪ CCET Meeting 11:30 AM

Back to School – Get the school year off to a great start! Bring your backpacks to church this week for a special blessing.

Open House - Helping Hands will host the grand opening of its new Outreach Office from 3:30 to 5 PM on Tuesday, Sept. 15. The location is the United Church of Spring Valley, 11 East Church St., and all are invited.

Book Group – The group will begin the year by reading The Faith Club, and meeting to discuss it at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 16, at Mia Cucina Restaurant in Blauvelt. You may bring a book or two that you have enjoyed to swap with other members. Please call the office to reserve a spot.

Youth Group - The middle school Inter-Church Youth Group will meet on Sunday evenings this fall at Nauraushaun, beginning on Sept. 20 at 5 PM. If you can provide a light dinner for approximately 10 youngsters, please sign up outside the church office.