Monday, November 30, 2009

▪NPC Book Group 12 noon AM

Morning Prayer 7 AM

Christmas Wrap Party 7 PM

Second Sunday of Advent
Worship/Communion 10 AM
Sunday School
▪Alternative Gift Market
▪Children’s Music 11:30 AM

Book Group The group will meet at 12 noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina in Blauvelt to discuss Half Bred Horses by Jeannette Walls. Please call the churchoffice to reserve a spot.

Inter-Church Youth Group Benefit The Piermont Reformed Church will present a benefit performance of A Man of No Importance on Wednesday at 8 PM at the Elmwood Playhouse. Tickets are $23 and are available at the church office.

Christmas Wrap Party - The Rockland State Hospital gift wrapping party will be held on Friday at 7 PM in the parlor. We need hotel toiletries such as shampoo, lotion, soap, combs, socks, and other small personal items suitable for hospital patients.

Alternative Christmas Market Why shop at the mall? Each Sunday in Advent the Mission Committee will offer Equal Exchange coffee, chocolate, and other items from Church World Service and Heifer International for Christmas giving.

WA Christmas Luncheon All are invited to the Women’s Association Soup and Salad Luncheon at 12 noon on Thursday, Dec. 10. You may sign up outside the church office.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of November 8

▪WA Circle 9:30 AM
▪Ministries 7:30 PM

▪Church office is closed in observance of Veterans Day.
▪Choir 7 PM

▪Morning Prayer 7 AM
▪WA Circle 7:30 PM

▪Thanksgiving Dinner at Hillburn Church 5-7 PM

▪Helping Hands Run 10:30 AM -
See Ruth Wainwright for details.
▪Presbyterian Women ’09 1-4 PM

▪Worship 10 AM
▪Sunday School
▪New Members Group 11:30 AM
▪Children’s Music 11:30 AM
▪Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Office Subs - If you can man the church office one day while Susan Marose is on vacation, please contact Pastor Laura. There are openings on Tuesday, Nov. 17, Wednesday, Nov. 18, and Thursday, Nov. 19.

Early Dinner - Brook Church in Hillburn serves its annual pre-Thanksgiving Dinner from 5-7 PM on Friday. Donation is $10 and you may eat in or take out.

Presbyterian Women ’09- Women of Hudson River Presbytery will meet from 1-4 PM on Saturday at the First Presbyterian Church of Ossining when the topic will be “Healthy Bodies, Spirits and Communities.” See Carol Boyatsis for information.

Thanksgiving Food Drive - Please sign up outside the church office to volunteer at ShopRite on Friday, Nov. 20.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of November 1

▪WA Election Day Bake Sale

▪Book Group 12 noon
▪Choir 7 PM

▪Morning Prayer 7 AM

▪TaĆ­ze Worship10 AM
▪Second Sunday Breakfast 8 AM
▪Sunday School
▪Deacons Meeting 11:30 AM
▪Mission Meeting 11:30 AM
▪Children’s Music 11:30 AM
▪Inter-Church Youth Group 5 PM

Book Group - The group will meet to discuss The Help by Kathryn Stockett at noon on Wednesday at Mia Cucina Restaurant in Blauvelt. Please call the office to reserve a spot.

New Member Process - If you wish to explore membership in our faith community, you are invited to meet for four Sundays after worship, between 11:30 and 12:30 in our church parlor, beginning Nov. 15. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Laura at church or by email at

Pre-Thanksgiving Food Drive - Sign up outside the church office to volunteer at ShopRite between the hours of 8 AM and 3 PM on Friday, Nov. 20.