Friday, January 23, 2009

Week of 1.26.09

Welcome to our new weekly web update!

This blog will be updated each Monday afternoon. You may access it from the church's website, or simply add to your list of favorites or RSS feeds. Here's what's happening this week:

Tuesday, 1.27
WA Board Meeting 9:30 AM

Wednesday, 1.28
Choir 7 PM

Thursday, 1.29
Morning Prayer 7 AM
Inter-Church Youth Group at
Tappan Church: Middle School
5 PM, High School 6 PM

Sunday, 2.1
Worship/Communion 10 AM
Sunday School
Guest Speaker Rick Ufford, co-director
of Stony Point Center 11:30 AM

Stony Point Update - Come and hear what Rick Ufford, new co-director of Stony Point, envisions for the Center at 11:30 AM on Sunday, Feb 1, in the parlor.

New NPC Book Club - The book group will meet for the first time at 12 noon on Wednesday, Feb. 4, at the Greenhouse Cafe in Pearl River for lunch and discussion of Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. (Click on the link to order from amazon.) Please call the church office if you plan to attend.

(Child care will be provided.)

Copies of the 2008 annual reports will be available in the narthex next Sunday. The agenda will include receipt and acceptance of the ministry reports, a report of the church's 2008 finances, the proposed 2009 budget, the pastor's 2009 terms of call, revised by-laws, and election of president of the corporation.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watch this space...

beginning 1.26.09 for weekly updates about the life and ministry of Nauraushaun. Add this blog to your RSS feeds, or let the church know if you want a weekly reminder for the first two months!